Content Creation

3 Ways to Get Your Groove Back After A Writing Rut

Tips to help you get things moving again

Nick Wolny
The Startup
Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2022


Source: Licensed from DepositPhotos

The biggest vampire to your income, influence, and impact as an aspiring online writer is… being stuck in a rut.

When you don’t write, you don’t publish. You stop pitching. You stop creating, and collaborating, and commenting, and connecting. You fester and spin your wheels in silence.

Sometimes, silence is a gift, an opportunity for focus and intensification. Not this silence. This is the kind of silence that quietly mindf*cks you into giving up on your daydreams.

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Why It’s Important to Keep Writing

Writing builds several important skills that you will need to effectively manage your personal brand.

  • Writing helps you flesh out ideas. Most of the ideas that fly out of your brain and onto the page are half-baked at first. Writing is an oven that helps your different anecdotes or pearls of wisdom congeal together in a way that makes sense.
  • Writing helps you increase frequency and repetition. I’m big on…



Nick Wolny
The Startup

Finance columnist, Out magazine. Sign up for Financialicious, a newsletter on personal finance and LGBTQ+ topics: