How to Grow Your Talents and Maximise the Outcome
Talent in action = talent + behaviour + context
In the last couple of years, we see, hear and read more and more about talent development. Where for a long time setting up a detailed competency guide and associated job profile was a necessity for any self-respected entrepreneur, the organisations that hire these self-employed professionals seem to have switched to talent managers and talent profiles. Where did this movement come from? What is talent anyway? And how does ‘talent thinking’ help you to look at yourself, your environment and your work processes differently? In this article, I explore the best practices on the topic of talent development.
What’s a talent?
The word talent is used in two different manners. A lot of people mean by a talent an individual with special qualities, in the field of sports, music, study skills or any other field of expertise. In the past few years, there has been a lot of talk about the idea that talent is becoming increasingly scarce and that organizations will have to compete for the best, smartest, fastest
attract and retain employees, ‘The war on talent.’
The idea that talent is something unique and the primary belief that talent is something you have or have not, reinforces…