How to Host Your Website On GitHub Pages For Free

Including custom domains, sub-domains, and https

Dhrumil Patel
The Startup


As a working professional, it is easy to spend a few bucks for your website hosting, but for the majority of students, I don’t think so. We’re (I am a student as well) already running low on money and then monthly/quarterly fees for the hosting? A big no-no.

Now, for students like me and you, GitHub has something to offer, a free service called GitHub Pages. A simple name and even simpler the working. You can host your static web pages, like blog or portfolio, on GitHub’s servers for free.

Initially, you will have the domain name which will look something like this:, but if you have your own domain name, we can point it to your repository. If not, you can always buy one, those are really cheap. More on that later, first let’s start with how to host a basic website using GitHub Pages.

I am assuming you have an idea about how to create a website and what GitHub is. Let’s roll.

Setup repository

It’s all in the repository. Go to your GitHub profile, create a new repository and name it this way —, If it is unclear to you, look at how I created my repository below.

