How To Humanize Your Brand & Content Marketing Plan

Our ideas lose imagination when our conversations lose power.

Megan Bales
The Startup


And, we bear the burden of an untold story.

Matheus Viana, Pexels

And every business, which starts with an idea, has the task of resolving the inner chaos of message and ambition while guiding the vehicle of transformation; effective communication.

The way we talk about our ideas has everything to do with our ability to make an impact.

It could be the fluidity of digital marketing making our impact more difficult because vital principles like purpose and intention are increasingly unclear for both brands and consumers.

Not only is it changing the dialogue so completely but relevant conversations are becoming more difficult to achieve and more relevant to progress.

Skitterphoto, Pexels

It’s not simply enough to recognize change and following up-and-coming tactics, but in order to harvest insight significant enough to make a difference with your audience, it requires conversations on purpose.

Not just intentional cooperation, but meaningful and satisfying interactions between giver…



Megan Bales
The Startup

Creator of Meet Cute Marketing | Accidental Creative | Energy-Vampire Slayer