How to Internationalize Your Angular App (i18n)?

KNNX Corp.
The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 4, 2020


Internationalize Software with i18n

We all are aware of how time-consuming the process of translation can be. What if there was a solution to reduce the extra effort needed when developing a product in multiple languages and make internationalization easier?

In Angular, such a solution exists — in the form of a module — that can be leveraged when developing an application to be used in multiple languages or locales.

What is Internationalization?

Internationalization can be defined as the process of developing a software application in multiple languages without making any code changes. Internationalization is usually used with localization. This translates your application into one or more specific language(s) to enhance it for specific locales.

Angular offers multiple ways to ensure your software can deal with multiple languages including its built-in i18n functionality.

This module will help convert our project into different languages in this blog. It is a lightweight module and supports plain node.js apps.

How to Use Angular’s i18n Module?

To begin with, we first install the i18n module. we do this with this command: -npm install i18n — save



KNNX Corp.
The Startup

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