How To Know if a Business Is a Bad Idea Before Even Starting It

I declined a 4 figures business opportunity because I knew it wouldn’t work for me from the beginning.

Desiree Peralta
The Startup


Photo by Ketut Subiyanto

Several weeks ago, I had a meeting with an old coworker. She told me about a business opportunity she found and wanted me to be part of it because I have experience with startups and side hustles.

She wanted to build a nail and eyelashes beauty salon in a good spot and showed me the vision document, the excel with the initial expenses and possible profits, and the analysis she and his dad made to make it successful.

The business sounded promising, and it has a high demand right now. In numbers, we were going to make around $7000 monthly from the beginning, with the potential to hire more employees when it was more stable.

However, even though I had the money I needed to start it, and it sounded like a good business opportunity, I decided not to be part of it.

After these three years of running several businesses, I have failed a lot. The only thing I regret is putting a lot of effort and value into things that were destined to die from the beginning because I simply don’t have what it takes to run certain kinds of businesses. But my desire to grow didn’t let me…



Desiree Peralta
The Startup

Turning ideas into reality. Programmer by profession, Writer by passion. Finance and business advice. | Weekly money advice