Barn owl in a field
Credit: Andy Chilton

How to Learn

100+ ways to approach learning, communication and goals

Joanna Ngai
Published in
7 min readFeb 16, 2021


I’m thankful to be surrounded by colleagues and friends much smarter than I am both at work and outside of work.

As with any advice, your milage may vary. Here’s things I’ve learned about learning, communication and goals:

  1. If it doesn’t take too long to start/finish something, just do it.
  2. Be ok with being a beginner again. It’ll be uncomfortable.
  3. Believe that “anything can be learned”. Even if it may take time/effort if it doesn’t come naturally, it’s possible to learn it eventually.
  4. Aim for competence, not genius. There are very few actual geniuses. It’s ok not to be one of them.
  5. Communication isn’t 100% fidelity between any two people. Separate the thing someone say vs. the reason why they say it. It is much harder to be empathetic with those we are close to.
  6. Take time to process strong emotions. Give it time. Talk through it. Get a good night’s sleep.
  7. Diligently practice what you want to learn. There has to be something that motivates you on the other side to get past near term challenges. Money is a limiting motivator.
  8. Talk to different people. Conversations with people teach you more than academic…

