How to Maintain Perspective as a Day Trader

Balance, and the importance of trading as part of a healthy lifestyle

Jamie Murray
The Startup


The trader’s journey can take its toll, stories of burnout and broken trading accounts are ten a penny. Here are some things to consider if you’re struggling to maintain perspective with your trading.

Balance — It’s important

“Without balance, a life is no longer worth the effort”

Olen Steinhauer — The Tourist

As much as it flies in the face of hustle culture, obsessive work ethic and the idea that if you put all your time into one thing it has to pay off — this just isn’t true with trading.

Yes it takes time, yes you need to commit to the process, but to say that it should consume your whole life would, on balance, be bad advice.

If you ask any successful trader who has shown any kind of longevity in this game, or indeed if you look at their lifestyle, you would find they probably have life balance pretty well weighed off.

Trading can be such a consuming endeavor that it can easily take over your life. Sure, in the early days you’re going to have to knuckle down and get some screen time under the eyelids…



Jamie Murray
The Startup

Father, Rescue Pilot & Writer. Read my popular story on money with 22k views