How to Make Coding a Habit

Here’s some advice on making programming a daily habit

Benedict Neo
The Startup


Photo by Simon Abrams on Unsplash

Coding is the language of this anthropocentric epoch. Whether it’s building a website for your company or an app that orders a ride for you to get around the city. Programming is becoming an essential skill not just for professionals, but for everyone as well.

Think of coding as a prowess that augments your niche in the world, a channel for anyone to create and an opportunity to change the world. Take Bill Gates, for example, he was a master programmer in his days and one of the reasons he is the richest person in the world today is partly due to the fact that he was able to code.

Moreover, there’s a saying today that your children should learn to code or “get coded”. You probably read it in the news that AI will replace millions of jobs and it’s not a hoax. AI-powered machines and software are on course to be so avant-garde that as many as 400m to 800m jobs are predicted to be lost to the technology by 2030. This induced the upsurge of the quota of programmers in the world, circa 28m by 2023.

Thus, instead of just learning to code, why not make it habitual? A daily activity or hobby that you’ll enjoy and not see it as a nuisance. All successful people have effective habits that made them the people they are today, so it’s…

