How to Make Google Analytics GDPR Compliant So You Don’t Need to Ask for User Consent

Marko Saric
The Startup
Published in
9 min readJun 9, 2020


Let’s take a look at the meaning of GDPR, how it impacts web analytics, steps you need to take to make Google Analytics GDPR compliant, and also explore a Google Analytics alternative that I’m working on.

A brief overview of the GDPR

I think that the GDPR is a great law that’s trying to make the web a better and friendlier place for Internet users. It’s misunderstood by some people and it’s given a bad name by those who want to force you to say “yes” to them selling your data to third-parties for non-essential purposes such as the targeted advertising purposes.

They do that by displaying different illegal implementations of GDPR with intrusive cookie walls and other annoying prompts that restrict you from visiting their sites.

GDPR is non-intrusive by default. And it does not affect businesses as much as some claim. According to the GDPR, you can use cookies even without user consent. You can monetize your site using advertising and you can promote yourself using advertising even without user consent.

What GDPR does is that it says if you’re going above the functional purposes only and want to collect and mine personalized data, you do need to inform your visitor and ask them…



Marko Saric
The Startup

Digital Marketing Consultant. Contact me about growing your startup or brand