How to make learning efficiently and fun

Shiran Hirshberg
The Startup
Published in
8 min readJun 20, 2020


“The brain is not like a muscle, at least not in any straightforward sense. It is something else altogether, sensitive to mood, to timing, to circadian rhythms, as well as to location, environment. It registers far more than we’re conscious of and often adds previously unnoticed details when revisiting a memory or learned fact. It works hard at night, during sleep, searching for hidden links and deeper significance in the day’s events. It has a strong preference for meaning over randomness, and finds nonsense offensive. It doesn’t take orders so well, either, as we all know — forgetting precious facts needed for an exam while somehow remembering entire scenes from The Godfather”
How We Learn / Benedict Carey

We learn new things all the time, we may not notice it, but it happens every day. When we are trying to actively learn and remember, we could use an effective way to do it.
It is a handful to know how we learn about the world around us, and how we learn to do new things. It is a skill every one of us could practice and improve over time.

Think about a situation when you read a book and forgot what it was about a half year later. Annoying and disappointing, right?
I am writing this read based on my personal experience, here are some practical tips.

First, it is good to…



Shiran Hirshberg
The Startup

I am passionate about UX design and my work is all about making end-users happy. Take a look on my portfolio: