How to Make Money Online With No Skill or Experience

You’re asking the wrong question. Instead, find how to create value.

Benek Lisefski
The Startup


Yep, that’s a terrible clickbait title because it’s dangerously misleading. And that’s precisely why I’ve used it — to highlight a profound, global problem that technology has given us. It’s made too many of us believe in the impossible.

The internet has built many wonderful opportunities to earn money that didn’t exist just a generation ago. It’s made freelancing and remote working a real possibility for almost anyone, anywhere.

But there’s a rediculous misconception that one can earn money online regardless of their skills or experience? Wipe away your starry eyes, because it’s not a magic money tree.

Here are real titles from popular blogs posts and youtube videos:

  • How to Make Money Online Without Special Knowledge or Skills
  • 5 Ways to Make Money Online | No Skills | No Experience
  • 10 Stupidly Easy Ways to Make Money with No Skills
  • How to Earn Money Online Without Any Knowledge
  • The Best Work From Home Jobs That Take Little or No Experience

Wait, what?



Benek Lisefski
The Startup

I’m a UX/UI designer from Auckland, New Zealand. Writing about freelancing & business for indie designers & creatives at