How to Make the Most of Your Mobile Devices

Non-techie ways to boost the effectiveness of your phone and tablet

Patricia Haddock
The Startup


How to Make the Most of Your Mobile Devices Non-techie ways to boost the effectiveness of your phone and tablet
Image by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

For most of us, phones and tablets have become our primary tools for handling work-related matters, especially when we’re away from our offices as many of us are now. According to GeoMarketing, the average person spends more than 3 hours a day using mobile apps — and that number is pre-Covid. More than ever, we need to maximize these devices for both efficiency and productivity if we want to get the results we need for business growth and profits.

Some people are naturally highly organized; everything is labeled and has a permanent home. If this is you, or if you’re a techie, your mobile devices are probably well organized and effective. Those of you like me who aren’t techies or who are “out-of-sight-out-of-mind” people need simple ways of getting organized that respect our need to have everything in front of us. If your phone or tablet has a built-in app library function, it can organize your apps for you, no tech knowledge needed. However, since I don’t always agree with the decisions my devices make, I use my own system. Regardless of what system you use, it’s important that you replicate it across all devices to create consistency and eliminate the need to think about where to find something. Everything will be in the same place…



Patricia Haddock
The Startup

Writer, editor, coach helping people move from where they are to where they want to be. Find me at Mind Cafe, Illumination, Coffee Times. &