How to Make Time for Your Freelance Writing Business

Dan Marticio
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2020


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It’s been a long day at work. Long commute. Now you need to figure out what to eat for dinner.

Oh wait, weren’t you supposed to do something else?

That’s right — your side hustle.

But you’re so tired. And the TV and couch are singing soft serenades to you.

I’ll work on my side hustle tomorrow. What’s another day?

Until “one day,” postponed becomes a week, becomes a month, becomes years. And then you’re old and gray, and you’re wondering why your freelance business never took off.

Okay, maybe that’s exaggerating, but you get my point.

If you keep postponing your side hustle, guess what? That side hustle will never grow into a booming business with a full-time income.

It’s not enough to just hone your craft. You need to apply it with some business savvy. And increasing your business savvy can be as simple as just showing up… everyday. Even when you’re tired.

So if you’re ready to give your couch and TV the cold shoulder, I can help you. Here are 5 strategies for building a side hustle while balancing your day job.

#1 Make the Commitment



Dan Marticio
The Startup

Freelance writer creating straight-to-the-point content for other writers who want to get paid.