How to Manage Stress in Times of Chaos

Danielle Leigh Elen
6 min readJun 1, 2021


We all face uncertainty at times. I’m sure we can all agree that this past year has been full of chaos, giving way to stress. It’s been hard on adults, hard on children and the elderly, hard on families as a whole. With the passage of time, new issues spring up that require our focused attention. These issues and situations come from many angles and can hit us in a variety of ways.

Regardless of the nature of the issue; whether personal or global, chaotic experiences make us uneasy. Although uncertainties are not a negative thing, they can send us into a downward spiral if not tended to in a timely manner.

It is important to seek means and ways of managing our uncertainties effectively. One of the best ways to do this is to make a conscious decision to stay in the present. This is the time to turn to your practice — whether that be yoga, fitness, meditation or something else that you enjoy. We belabor some of the strategies and thoughts that may keep us deeply-grounded when life tends to get too crazy.

Enhance Your Awareness

When worries and uncertainties come, we tend to shift our focus to the unknown. When we allow this to happen too frequently, we can develop phobias that may degenerate into paranoia if left to float in our unconscious for too long. Bring your thoughts to conscious awareness, and anchor yourself in the present.

Enhanced awareness is one benefit of staying anchored in the present. It is crucial to identify the root-causes of any uncertainties, before they grow to become a critical issue that effects not only the mind, but the body.

If we have the ability to sense what may lie at the end of a given spell of uncertainty, we are generally better equipped to develop proactive strategies right from the start. We all feel much more at peace when we feel more prepared. Please see my post on how to use your intuition to release fear.

Try to Stop Overthinking

Maintaining our thoughts in the present moment, as much as possible, helps to keep us from overthinking. Each time we are confronted with uncertainty, we spend too much time worrying and anticipating what might follow next.

Imagining what may come is good and healthy, but in times of chaos we want to ensure we don’t overthink to the point of obsessing.

By working to stay present, we can be more effective at heading off any downward spirals at the pass. We can free ourselves from worrying about what may happen next and save some of our time to enjoy the present and our loved ones.

Keep Stress to a Minimum by Staying Grounded

Focusing on the present is a strong way of fighting off uncertainties given that it works as an anchor. Being present implies keeping our thoughts centered, without veering too far into the past or future. But we also want to stay grounded. For me, this means taking the time to really get into my body with some dance or yoga. It also means spending time in the kitchen with whole foods and cooking from scratch — getting the whole house smelling delicious.

Staying grounded also means being as real as you can about your emotions, rather than avoiding them. Check out my post on how to work with your emotions and understand your triggers. Living in the present implies focusing on what exists within our sphere of control. This simple approach brings some methods to the table that make people feel calm and grounded — even in instances of extreme uncertainties.

It hence ensures stability and uniformity, that jointly combine to make people assume some kind of level-headedness when making decisions even when they have no understanding of what may be transpiring.

Focus and Be Present

Choosing to live in the present makes the interior feel calm and centered. Thus, it goes ahead to fade away all the stress that arises over what may be happening at present.

This consequently discharges a cycle of wellness, given that the reduced levels of stress aids in coping with the uncertainty in a calmer and reasonable manner. If you would like to discover ways to attune to your body’s wisdom and dissolve stress, try this free workshop on reclaiming your inner guidance.

Gratitude and Mindfulness

Focusing on the present also enhances the feelings of gratitude. Uncertainty often drives us to think about future things that are often way out of the reach of our sphere of control. Focusing on the present on the other hand reminds us of those things that are here and now.

On account of that, we are able to reflect on the many blessings and positive things that exist at the moment rather than what may happen in the future.

We will begin noticing more of the beauty and the goodness of the present world that in turn improves the feelings of gratitude. In the event that the gratitude is boosted, the levels of stress are considerably reduced.

We find ourselves able to stand to deal with uncertainties effectively by choosing to reside in the present. This sets us in a realm of calm by elevating awareness, reducing stress, and diminishing the tendency to overthink. Being present also improves our levels of gratitude.

We cannot bear the chaos of the world on our shoulders.

We must do our best to acknowledge that we are humans capable of much, but we are not superhuman.

Being conscious of our own weaknesses can prove to be one of our greatest sources of hope and peace. We have the freedom to acknowledge those things that are outside our sphere of control. Keeping a personal journal to explore emotions and ideas is incredibly helpful and healing.

Rather than getting overwhelmed at each problem that comes our way, we can shift our focus to the issues that we have the flexibility and present ability to change.

This will gift us with the sense of authority over the circumstances we experience. While feeling like we are raging a war in our world at present, it is critical to choose our battles wisely.

Maintain Wellness Perspective

One more issue that many of us contend with in our world is that we tend to feel as though global issues have direct impacts on our personal livelihoods.

The reality is, many of the things we observe via the media has little to no true impact on our lives. They are also far out from our sphere of control. Personally, I am a human rights activist. I get involved where I can, but I know that I must not be overly concerned with any outcomes. What comes to pass at a humanitarian level takes a whole lot of humans working together.

Focusing on those issues that are closer to our sphere of influence is a much better investment of our time. This is something else that can help to keep us grounded — getting involved in our local community.

Maintain Sense of Order… Free From Chaos

It is important that we maintain some sense of order in our life, no matter how cluttered circumstances in our life might be.

Do your best to find your center, and maintain your personal balance. Regardless of what our daily lifestyle involves, we should always attempt to bring about systems and procedures that evoke some sense of utmost security and peace.

Seek these things from within — we all have a journey to make to our inner peace. And the journey is so worth it.

Originally published at on June 1, 2021.



Danielle Leigh Elen

Writer, Blogger, Somatic Therapist & Intuitive Consultant. Mama of three, wife of one. Metis woman on a mission.,