How to Manage Your Career So You Do More of What You Love

Caroline Parnell
The Startup
Published in
10 min readFeb 15, 2021


Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

On average, we spend about a third of our lives at work. And for most of us, we’d like that work to be interesting, challenging, and allow us to utilise our existing strengths as well as develop new ones.

I have always been interested in career development and I recently took some time to really reflect on my career, including what I enjoy doing and the types of roles I want to do in the future. Not only do I now feel enthusiastic about my plan for what next, but I have also enjoyed learning more about myself in the process.

I thought I would document some of the tools I have used in case it is useful for others.

1. What has got you where you are today?

Start by reflecting on what you’ve done before, what motivates you, and what you have to offer. This can be incredibly insightful for looking back on when you have been at your best and trying to find more of that in your future career. It helps you to better understand your values, strengths, motivations, skills, and experiences.

Draw your career timeline up to now

Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. This line represents the time of your career from your first role until the role you are in now…



Caroline Parnell
The Startup

Product Leader and Mentor. Head of Product at Simply Business. Ex Photobox and O2. Interested in product development, innovation and helping teams thrive.