How to Media Fast Without Hating Yourself

Keep eating carbs. Just cut back on the filler content.

Michael LaNasa
The Startup
Published in
6 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

There’s something about the word fasting that always produces an immediate response. Personally, I immediately feel hangry when I hear the word. However, as many have come to realize, it is one of those actions that can lead to something beneficial.

But forget being hangry. And giving up the food you love. I’ve come to enjoy a completely different use for this seemingly-masochistic approach.

Media. Social media, news, whatever you want to call it. The daily content intake that feels like you’re drinking-from-a-fire-hose when needing a sip of water.

It’s nearly impossible to detach from the daily storm of data hovering overhead. We enjoy knowing what’s going on with our friends, the world, and culture that doesn’t bring horror-filled updates in 2020.

You may not be into the social media detox trend. And I don’t blame you. But there’s another option worth considering: Media Fasting. A combination of things that you love and possibly hate, but with an outcome (and a process) that’s far less aggravating.

Here are three reasons and three ways to break free from that fire-hose without having to go cold turkey.



Michael LaNasa
The Startup

Writing for the lost + the found. ‣ One part entrepreneur. Two parts creative. A dash of nomadic irreverence. ✖ Here to support and inspire life-long learners.