How to Minimize Distraction and Take Back Control of Your Focus

We’re living through one of the most distracting moments in history. Here’s how you can set up your home, schedule, and habits to regain your focus.

Jory MacKay
The Startup


A version of this article was originally published on the Planio Blog. Check it out for more tips on staying productive and efficiently managing projects!

There’s no denying that we’re living through uncertain times. The spread of COVID-19 has forced more people than ever to adapt to working from home.

Along with relearning how to communicate and collaborate when you’re not in the office one thing is becoming painfully clear: Home is rarely a distraction-free space.

Home is rarely a distraction-free space.

Out of the nearly 90,000 people who took StackOverflow’s latest developer survey, the majority said the greatest challenge to their productivity is a distracting work environment.

Whether it’s the ding of an incoming email or someone asking you to help out with family obligations, there’s always something waiting on the edges to interrupt your focus and flow. And while many of these distractions need to be dealt with right away, most don’t.

Unfortunately, we’re pretty bad at making that distinction.



Jory MacKay
The Startup

Award-winning freelance writer and editor. Lover of film. Drinker of coffee. Say 👋