How to mock a Fetch API request with Jest and TypeScript

Cesar William Alvarenga
The Startup
Published in
2 min readJun 20, 2020


You probably had some problems testing async functions like Fetch API and XMLHttpRequest (XHR). I will show you the best way to test a code that uses these fetch methods.

In this example, I’m using TypeScript, but you can use the same strategy with just JavaScript as well.

Mocking Fetch API

This piece of code uses Fetch API to fetch some resources across the network. In this example, it fetches a user’s repositories from GitHub.

The following helper function gets the global object in the current environment. Basically, it checks if the global variable exists, if it’s not, it will verify the window or the self variables as well.

Next, the mockFetch function uses the getGlobalObject to create a mock function…

