How to Optimize Your Content Without Selling Your Soul to Search Engines

You can rank without compromising quality

Sarah Aboulhosn
The Startup


Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

People create content because they want others to see it. For a while, I was a “build it (and build it well), and they will come” type of person. I thought all I had to do was write what I thought was good content, and that was enough. Instead, I heard crickets and felt endless amounts of resentment towards the people who actually promoted their work. Let’s face it. No one wants to spend hours crafting an informative and valuable piece of content only to let it disappear into the abyss of the internet because it gets no traffic.

SEO presented a solution to writers like me who did not want to blast every post they wrote to the masses on social media. I could optimize my articles in subtle ways, and people looking for that information could find it.

At first, SEO allowed marketers and writers to tweak their content in small ways to make it more searchable. But those days are long gone. Modern SEO is a game of algorithm manipulation, where content quality seems to be low on the priority list.

Google has turned content creators into competitors, who are all obsessing over the top spot. “Winning” at SEO means you’re on the first page of Google, and as high up on that page as…



Sarah Aboulhosn
The Startup

Occasional writer, and serial project-starter/abandoner. I have a lot of feelings.