How to Optimize Your Marketing Funnel

A case study from Trena Digital, a digital marketing agency from Vancouver

Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Startup


Photo by Serpstat from Pexels

Marketing funnels are a critical element of every online business. Your marketing funnel is the experience your visitors go through when they become a customer.

The main steps of a marketing funnel are awareness, interest, evaluation, commitment, and sale. A marketing campaign will drive awareness about your brand or your website. Then the content of your site will stimulate interest. Your leads will then evaluate whether or not your product and/or service can fulfill their needs. Then they will commit to follow you and engage with you. Then they will spend money on your product.

This short and overly simplified explanation briefly describes how a marketing funnel works and what the main steps are. These steps form a funnel as the number of people following through each step gets lower and lower the more you progress further down the funnel.

The top of the funnel is your marketing and your acquisition. The bottom of the funnel is the sale. Naturally, you will have more people at the top of your funnel than at its bottom.

This is why optimizing these funnels is crucial for every online business. Because the larger the bottom of the funnel is, the more…



Charles Tumiotto Jackson
The Startup

Content Marketer, willing to put the “social” back in Social Media. Let's talk about Social Media Marketing →