How to Overcome the Fear of Selling Your First Digital Product

It’s the only path to lasting freedom

Sinem Günel
The Startup
Published in
7 min readMar 29, 2021


Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash

As a content creator, you can have various income streams:
Advertising products (brand collaborations), running ads on your content (Youtube), asking for donations (Patreon), publishing your content behind a paywall (Medium), or selling products.

Most creators prefer the first four options: ads, donations, and paywalls. I love the path less traveled: Selling.

I prefer selling digital products because that’s the only way I can control 100% of the outcome. If you’re selling a digital product, you’re responsible for:

  • Creating an epic product
  • Building an audience (preferably an email list), that’s interested in that product
  • Creating a killer sales page
  • Writing kickass copy
  • And so much more

Once you’ve gone through all these stages multiple times, you’ll eventually end up enjoying them. But if it’s your first time creating a digital product like an ebook or online course, the selling part of the game might seem frightening.

When I launched my first product in 2018, I hated every second of the journey. Today, I’m in love with the…



Sinem Günel
The Startup

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