How to Override Methods in C#

The Startup
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2020

Method Overriding, in Object-Oriented Programming, is a language feature that allows a child class to implement a method that’s is already is in the parent class. Implementation in the subclass overrides the implementation in base class by creating a method that has the same name.

To understand overriding, let’s look at the real-world example:

Let’s say we have an Animal class and we have three different animals:


As you can see from the image, those three class; Cat, Dog, and Bird inherit from Animal class. They all have a bunch of different parameters and methods.

So, let’s take a look at them one by one:

Animal class have two methods called Eat() and Move(). Of course, those three different animals have various type of eating and moving.

Firstly, our Cat class overrides Eat() and Move() method to implement its behavior. Also, it adds its own Meow() method for its speaking.

Secondly, our Dog class also overrides Eat() and Move() method. Because, the dog has a different type of eating and moving too. It adds its Bark() method to bark.

Thirdly, our Bird class overrides Eat() and Move() again and a Fly() method. As everyone knows, only the bird can fly.

As we grasped overriding methods with real-world examples, let’s take a look at actual code.

Overriding Methods in Code

Initially, we create an Animal class:

class Animal
public int age;
public virtual void Eat()
// Eat food
public virtual void Move()
// Move around

Then, we create three animal class that inherits from Animal class

class Cat : Animal
public new int age;

public override void Eat()
// Cat eats food
public override void Move()
// Cat moves around
public void Meow()
// Only cats can meow
class Dog : Animal
public new int age;

public override void Eat()
// Dog eats food
public override void Move()
// Dog moves around
public void Bark()
// Only dogs can bark
class Bird : Animal
public new int age;

public override void Eat()
// Bird eats food
public override void Move()
// Bird moves around
public void Fly()
// Only birds can fly

As you can see there are two different keywords there: virtual and override. Let’s understand why are they used?

Virtual Keyword

To override any method, you need to mark the base class’ method as virtual as we did with the Animal class’ method.

Override Keyword

Once we marked our base class’ method as virtual, we can override it in the child class. To do that, we need to mark our method with override keyword.

We have learnt the main part, the only thing that left is calling the method we are overriding.

Calling the base class’ method from our child class

Let’s say we have a virtual method that prints “Hello, World!”:

class MainClass
public virtual void MainMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");

To override this method, let’s create our child class’ method.

Once you write “public override” to the editor, IntelliSense will show you the methods that can be overridden. When you click to the method that you want to override, it will automatically write the method code:

class ChildClass : MainClass
public override void MainMethod()

Wait a minute, there is a strange code here, base.MainMethod().

Basically, what this method does is calling base the base method that we have overridden. If we now run the program, the output will be like this:

Hello, World!

Also, we can add code before or after base.MainMethod(). Adding code before or after only effect to the calling order. So, let’s print another message that says Hello, C#!.

class ChildClass : MainClass
public override void MainMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Hello, C#!");

Now, the output will look like as follow:

Hello, World!
Hello, C#!

Finally, I would mention that overriding method feature is a handy method in Object-Oriented Programming. As we can saw from the examples, we can do so many things by using them. So, I hope you have understood this topic and enjoyed it.

