How to Painlessly Create an eBook in a Weekend (and Make Money with it)

Create an asset that will earn money for months — and years — to come

Corrie Who Writes
The Startup
Published in
8 min readDec 16, 2022


woman reading an ebook on her tablet in the park
Image credit: nik40fox on Depositphotos

eBooks have been around almost as long as the internet has, and they have become a powerful asset to have as a content creator. The cool thing about ebooks is that it compliments any kind of business you have, whether you're a freelance writer, a blogger, or even a business that doesn't even have anything to do with writing.

Not only are ebooks a great way to make some extra money, but it also helps establish you as an authority in your niche or industry.

But a lot of people are really intimidated by the idea of writing their own ebook because as soon as they hear the word “book,” they envision spending hours and hours hunched over their computer, banging out 70,000 words. Then there's the matter of editing, finding a graphic designer to create the cover, and figuring out how to actually sell the thing.

But here's the truth: creating and selling an ebook is really not that difficult.

For one thing, ebooks do not have to be 70,000 words long. In fact, most ebooks are well under 10,000 words. (Some are as short as 2000 words.) It's not really the length of the book that matters; it's the value of the content…



Corrie Who Writes
The Startup

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