How to Plan Your Day: Taking Control of Your Time (With Examples)

A 5-minute productivity practice of time-blocking your days to get things done and complete more high-output work.

Dan Silvestre
The Startup


Here’s a skill that nobody taught you in school or work: how to plan your day.

And so you do the best you can with what you know. You run around trying to complete everything on your to-do list. Your days spin out of control.

So you try to catch up.

You crank up the speed and try to work as fast as you can. So now you’re spinning out of control twice as fast trying to complete all your tasks.


Not planning your days is setting yourself for failure.

But making lists of things to do, and trying desperately to finish them isn’t enough. It doesn’t give your days structure or routine. To-do lists don’t help you focus.

You need to bring in an important element: time.

Tasks need to be associated with time. You have to figure out when a task will get done, and how long it’s going to take.

It sounds simple, and it is. But it’s also powerful. Imagine knowing exactly what tasks you will finish today? Add to that, handling…



Dan Silvestre
The Startup

Performance coach helping leaders get the right things done with less effort than anything they've tried before. Join 20k+ readers: