How to power through blank-page anxiety and get your ideas out in the world

Suzanne Yada
The Startup
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2019


Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

In my past life working with the media and with my current business, I know there is a good amount of creativity that anyone, employee or business owner, needs to be productive in their work.

But one thing that still gets me stuck or paralyzed is a blank page. Yes, I have blank page anxiety — like, majorly. I sit down and take a look at a brand new Word or Google Doc and feel like I’m drowning in a sea of white before I even get started.

I knew I had this issue and needed some help. I tried a whole slew of things and, to my amazement, actually found some things that worked for me. So if you are in a similar position, here’s how to get unstuck and Do The Thing you’re called to do.

1. Try a different medium

I have a million different ideas in my head at any time, and sometimes I just can’t properly put them together in words. I want to broadcast some of these ideas to a wider audience, but with the aforementioned blank page anxiety, I’ve held myself back.

But what I learned is that I don’t have as much anxiety around Facebook Live as I do with writing — which is strange, considering how many people fear public speaking. I just don’t have that same hangup with a livestream as I do with a big fat blank…

