How to Powerfully Reboot Your Goals

Day to day beats years away

Gregory D. Welch
The Startup


Photo by Dan on Unsplash

Let’s be real, a lot of the goals you set at the beginning of the year seem like relics from another world altogether.

Life has changed more than any of us could have predicted it would just 5 or 6 months ago.

Some of the goals we set simply don’t make sense in the current situation. Other goals have come undone, or feel overwhelming for any number of reasons — pandemic and otherwise.

No matter the reason, from time to time, it’s important to hit pause and reassess. To smash that reboot button on life and reset your goals (or adapt, tweak, adjust).

There isn’t anything wrong with this. Life happens, things come up, things change. That’s the nature of reality.

The question then isn’t how good your goals are, but how good you are becoming at setting ones that can outlast and adapt to these changing realities.

That’s what I want to explore today. How to make better goals, how to adapt your strategy, and how to smash that reboot button, and take your life to powerful new heights.

Let’s dive in.

Define success and reverse engineer

“Successful people do what unsuccessful



Gregory D. Welch
The Startup

I Ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Innovative Founders & Digital Marketers going from Analog to Augmented Content | AI Strategist & Ghostwriter