▶️320 Questions an Investor Will Ask Your StartUp — How to Prepare for a Pitch

Mikhail Raevskiy
The Startup
Published in
10 min readAug 9, 2020


This is not my first pitch. But the first one at such a big event with such important people. 5 minutes fly by imperceptibly, I can feel my heart beating and my hands are shaking a little. I look at the faces of the jury. They seem to like it. The first of the jury to ask the question is the CEO of a well-known Russian IT company. He is the coolest of all the jury:

Um, thanks for the pitch. But someone just showed us this idea right in front of you guys. I don’t like it … What else do you have?

The worst thing about the pitch is the jury’s tricky question. If you can’t answer, you will lose it.

While preparing for the last pitch, I analyzed dozens of hours of videos from local and global pitches and wrote out all the questions that were asked to startups. Then I collected them into one table and wrote down the answer for each.

Result: I didn’t receive a single question that I haven’t seen before and won $25,000.

The final table contains 320 questions and you can use it to prepare for almost any pitch.

❓ The Questions table and how to…



Mikhail Raevskiy
The Startup

Bioinformatician at Oncobox Inc. (@oncobox). Research Associate