How to price your freelance services (without getting screwed)

Sean Meyer
The Startup
Published in
13 min readAug 1, 2018


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

A few months ago a buddy of mine came home from work to find out his girlfriend left him, so of course — he did what any 28 year old dude would do…

He went to the bar and smashed some brews.

Now this isn’t bad in itself, but then he decided to drive home after that..

And well, that’s when his real troubles started.

As I’m sure you can guess, the cops caught up to him a few blocks down the road, booked him for booze cruising…

And made him stay the night behind bars.

Life carried on as normal for my buddy a few days after that, but after realizing how much trouble he was in…

He decided to hire a lawyer, and after that — he called me for advice.

Why he calls me for this type of stuff, I’m still not sure — as I’ve fortunately never had to deal with anything like that…

But he did, and immediately after this — he started telling me how he hired a lawyer for $650.

Again, I’m not really familiar with this industry, but that seemed really low…

So I started asking what that all included, and he just said it was a flat fee that took care of everything.

Fair enough, maybe the “you just blew $10K” commercials were overhyped..

So we went on with our conversation after that, and I didn’t talk to him until a couple weeks later…

When I went back to our hometown (where he lives), and asked how the process was going.

His response?

That of a whiny 8 year old who wasn’t getting their way.

He started telling me that he’d made a huge mistake, as he could tell this guy didn’t care about him…

So I asked what he meant, and he rambled off a few things…

But most of it came down to the fact that every time he called this guy, it seemed like he didn’t want to talk to him.

This made sense, so I casually asked how often he called him…

And he told me it was around 2–3 times per week…

