How to Promote an Ebook

Boris Mustapic
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 29, 2018
Photo by Aliis Sinisalu on Unsplash

So, you wrote an ebook, published it online, and now you’re waiting for the money to start rolling in? It doesn’t quite work like that. If you want your ebook to sell, you need to promote it. Here are 16 ways to promote your ebook and get more sales.

Create a good landing page

Before starting to promote your ebook, it is important to create a good landing page. This is crucial in getting people to actually purchase your ebook. If your landing page is designed poorly, there is a great chance that most visitors will just close the page without buying anything. You can skip this step if you are selling your ebook on a marketplace such as Amazon since you will be using their landing page instead.

You can create beautiful landing pages by using services such as Wishpond or LeadPages.

Promote it on your website

There are a number of ways you can promote your ebook on your website. These include using pop-ups, banners, and text links.

You can use different pop-ups to promote your ebook: timed pop-ups, scroll pop-ups, entry pop-ups, and exit intent pop-ups. Make sure not to overdo these since they can easily annoy your visitors. You can use SumoMe’s List Builder plugin to create these if you’re running a WordPress website.

Place banners linking to your ebook’s landing page below your posts or in your sidebar. Make sure to include a call-to-action in your banner to increase both your click-through rate and your conversion rate.

Link to your ebook’s landing page throughout your posts and in your sidebar. Use different tracking codes for in-post and sidebar links so you can see which one drives more clicks and sales.

Create an infographic

Create an infographic with content related to your ebook and share it online. You can use Canva to quickly and easily create multiple infographics. Make sure to place a shortened link to your ebook’s landing page at the bottom of the infographic.

Create a video

Create videos on topics related to your ebook and post them on Youtube with a link to your ebook’s landing page in the video description. You can use Lumen5 to quickly create videos from your ebook’s content.

Create quote images

Use quotes from your ebook to create images that you can share on social media. You can use Canva to create these. Include the title of your ebook or a shortened link to your ebook’s landing page at the bottom of each image.

Promote your ebook on social media

Post about your ebook on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. You can promote the ebook in the cover photo of your Facebook page, in your Instagram bio, or you can simply tweet about it.

Promote your ebook on Medium

Write posts related to the content of your ebook and post them on Medium while making sure to link to your ebook’s landing page within each post. You can also use a newsletter subscription form at the bottom of your posts to capture leads and then email them about your ebook.

Write guest posts

Contact blogs and websites related to your ebook’s niche and offer to write guest posts for them. Include a link to your ebook within the posts (if allowed) or in your author byline.

Email your subscribers

If you have an email list, send your subscribers an email about your new ebook. You can send a series of emails, including a pre-launch, launch, and post-launch email, offering different discounts at different stages.

Create an ebook trailer

Create a short video trailer for your ebook using tools such as Lumen5 and post it on Facebook and Youtube. Give out a discount code during the video.

Use ebook promotion websites

Promote your ebook on ebook promotion websites. There are over a hundred of these online, some of them free while others are paid.

Give away a few copies for free

Give out free review copies to friends, acquaintances or clients to get some hype going and to gather initial reviews.

Promote your ebook with Google Adwords

Use Google Adwords to promote your ebook. Note that this can get somewhat pricey depending on your niche and the keywords you use.

Run a contest

Run a contest on Facebook or Instagram and give away a few copies of your ebook to the winners. You can also promote the contest on your website and your email list. You can use Wishpond to create and run 10 different types of contests.

Set up an affiliate program for your ebook

Use ShareASale or E-Junkie to create an affiliate program for your ebook and get more sales through your affiliates. You’ll be giving up a percentage of your profits but you will get more sales in return.

Promote your ebook on Quora

Answer relevant questions on Quora and link to your ebook in the answers. For best results, take time to write quality, in-depth answers to genuinely help the people who are asking the questions.

Reach out to influencers

Reach out to relevant influencers and bloggers in your niche and send them your ebook for free. Kindly ask them for a review or a shoutout on their blog or social media profiles. You can even offer them a percentage of the sales generated through their affiliate link.

If you take the time to employ all of these tips to promote your ebook, you will surely get more sales. This will then hopefully motivate you to write even more ebooks and share your knowledge with the world.

Originally published at

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Boris Mustapic
The Startup

Writer and content marketing specialist. I write about marketing at