How to Promote and Sell Your Self-Published Book When You Don’t Have a Huge Following

A compendium of strategies from those who have gone ahead and succeeded

Uzoma Okafor
The Startup


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Amazon blew the publishing game wide open when they created the KDP self-publishing platform meaning that anybody can publish their book without going through the traditional gatekeepers of the publishing world. But as with all things that are blown wide open and lowers the barrier to entry, the competition is fierce.

However, Amazon makes up for this by being the largest marketplace in the world. I have read personal accounts of authors who published their books and with no marketing whatsoever, going on to make sales. However, that route would not help you rake in the cash. If your topic is right, and I’m speaking strictly of non-fiction here, without any marketing whatsoever you would be sure of making at least $200 per month.

However, if you desire to make more money or to put it nobly, make more impact by putting your material in more hands, it would be best to at least do something in the form of marketing. One of the most trusted ways to start is to build a following before the publication of your book.

But to build a following that would amass an army of buyers you need to create content that matters…

