How to read more books before the year is over.

Marvin Marcano
The Startup
Published in
5 min readJul 9, 2018


Did you have a goal or New Year’s Resolution to read more?

Maybe you had a figure in mind of the number of books you would read this year.

We are now into the second half of the year. Where are you with your goal?

If you’re nowhere near your desire to read more or the figure you had in your head of how many books you would read by the end of 2018, there’s still time!

Here’s some ideas to increase the amount of reading you do in the next six months and hit your goal (if you have one):

DON’T make a book list

If you want to read a substantial number of books in the next six months, it’s actually a good idea to NOT create a list of books to read.

What tends to happen is that you will excitedly start a list of books (and research things like “Top 100 books of all time”) which can spiral into an exhaustive list of titles you’ve always wanted to read.

When you look at that list, the sheer size of the list can overwhelm you and actually make you read less than you wanted to.

You want your reading experience to be fun and fluid.

Choose three books to start with and then move onto another small number once completed. The small…



Marvin Marcano
The Startup

Personal Development, Fereelancing, and Writing. Becoming a better person. You should too.