How to Remember All Your Passwords
A mind hack from the field of mnemonics
I was in denial. “I can remember all these passwords,” I told myself. “I don’t need to write anything down.”
I kept it all in my head for a while. Plus, I had a really cool “system.” It was based on the Beetles song “Let it Be”.
The first line of the song:
When I Find Myself In Times Of Trouble.
Look at that. My password was WIFMITOT, do you see, the first letter of each word? After I had to change that password for a certain application, then I simply went to the next line:
Mother Mary Comes to Me.
Can you guess what the password is? MMCTM.
I know, that’s short. I didn’t use that one a lot.
Third line:
Speaking Words Of Wisdom, Let It Be.
What is the password?
That’s right. SWOWLIB. You got my system. Unfortunately, I could never remember what line of the song corresponded to what password, so I ended up getting blocked and having to rename the password.
Finally, I got to the end of the song and ran out of words. Now I had no idea what password…