The Founder’s Guide:

How to Remove Software Installed From Source Code in WSL2

The expanded tutorial with explanations and screenshots

David Littlefield
The Startup
Published in
10 min readAug 24, 2020


Image by Olga Bast

The condensed version of this article contains copy and paste code that can get the outcome in minutes.

Open PowerShell:

PowerShell is the program that replaced Command Prompt as the default system shell in Windows 10. It’s a shell and an object-oriented scripting language that’s used to automate repetitive tasks and configure system settings. It allows users to automate practically anything in Windows 10.

  1. Press “⊞ Windows”
  2. Enter “PowerShell” into the search bar
  3. Right-click “Windows PowerShell”
  4. Click “Run as Administrator”

Open the Downloads Directory:

The Change Directory (cd) command is used to change the current working directory to the specified directory. It can navigate to absolute and relative paths that start from the root…



David Littlefield
The Startup

From: Non-Technical | To: Technical Founder | Writes: To Make It Easier For Everyone | Topics: #Startups #How-To #Coding #AI #Machine Learning #Deep Learning