How to Respond When a Business Wants to Pay You in “Exposure”

3 tips instead of dragging them on S.M.

Rachel Yerks
The Startup


Woman laughing at a large mural of another woman laughing.
Photo by Elaine Bernadine Castro from Pexels

As a freelance writer, I’ve been relatively lucky. I started writing part-time in July 2020. I transitioned into full-time freelance in November 2020 and have earned over $15,000 from writing online since then.

I’m used to contracts, brand deals, and generous referral bonuses. However, I am also frequently approached to write articles for companies with the promise of exposure or free products.

Mind you, these are companies making hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales each year. Frankly, it’s insulting they aren’t willing to pay the people they want to promote their company.

Here’s how to respond when this happens to you, and trust me, it will.

1. If you suspect a company isn’t interested in paying you, ask for more details before discussing any further

I recently had a company ask about collaborating and hopping on a call. Nowhere in their initial invitation did they mention compensation of any kind.

When I’m on a roll, I can make approximately $150/hour. I think about this value when someone I don’t know suddenly wants to have a business call. My…

