Big IT Projects fail all the time

How to Run an IT Project

A practical look at why IT projects go wrong and what you can to do avoid it

Simon Pitt
The Startup
Published in
8 min readSep 11, 2019


Photo by Kaleidico — We’re going to need another £50m for board pens

You know something is a thing when it has a “List of …” page on Wikipedia.

So, of course, there is a list of failed and over-budget custom software projects. Ah! The Big IT Project. You can already smell the money; purchase orders being raised, PowerPoints being produced, gantt charts everywhere, outsourcing companies straightening their collective ties and preparing their packs and claims.

Here’s what happens: an executive spots a fiddly problem in the organisation and brings it up in a meeting (there is probably catering at this meeting). Another C-titled person says she has a similar problem. Then some wag decides they need to run a transformation programme to fix it. So they add a big box onto a PowerPoint or a line on a tracker called “Big IT Project” and dump all those annoying problems into there. “We need a name for this project,” someone pipes up. This is the conversation they enjoy the most, and probably the pinnacle of engagement. “Barracuda?” someone suggests.



Simon Pitt
The Startup

Media techie, software person, and web-stuff doer. Head of Corporate Digital at BBC, but views my own. More at