How to Self-Publish a Bestseller

The Book Marketing Strategy I Used to Sell Over 400 Books in 10 Days

Mike Fishbein
The Startup


I used to think that I could just write a great book and publish it and then the sales would roll in. I was wrong.

I’ve self-published over twelve books, but it wasn’t until recently I realized how to market books properly. Since then, I’ve launched three bestselling books.

Marketing your book isn’t difficult. It doesn’t have to be, anyway, as long as you do it correctly.

Now, before I dive into the strategies I used to market my most recent book, “Your First Bestseller: How to Self-Publish a Successful Book on Amazon”, to the top of the bestseller list, I want to give you the two underlying objectives. Actually, these are the only two things that matter for achieving success self-publishing on Amazon. These two things are traffic and conversion.

Traffic means the people visiting your book page. Conversion means the people actually buying your book once they are on your page.

Everything I will be talking about for the remainder of this case study serves to accomplish one of these two objectives.

Now, there are a million and one ways to market a book. You could spend hours on social media, blogging, trying to get press, etc. But most of them simply don’t work.

Building an email list and marketing to your fans is one of the most effective ways to drive sales in almost…

