How to Sell Your Knowledge in 28 Different Ways

Tom Antion
The Startup
Published in
11 min readSep 10, 2020


Add a format before you create something new

Most information creators love to create. Many times they forget the people that consume their creations like to do so in various different ways. Instead of expanding the reach of their information, they just start creating something new.

Financially this is a massive mistake. What if you created marketing training videos for realtors? There’s certainly a market for that. But don’t you think if you had an audio version, that you could get more realtors to consume more of your training as they drove around all day showing homes? Of course, you could.

If you are interested in maximizing the income from the knowledge you have, it’s imperative you put it out in as many ways as you can that make sense for your market. I even have a unique distribution method for you novelists out there.

So, dig into the formats below and pick the ones that are right for you to develop.

E-Mail E-Courses

One of the easiest products on earth to create is an e-course delivered via e-mail. You take your topic and break it down into let’s say five or seven parts. Each part would be an individual e-mail. These e-mails would be put into a sequential auto-responder. This is a service that will deliver the…



Tom Antion
The Startup

Lifelong Entrepreneur & Internet Multimillionaire | Pro Speaker | School Founder | Get FREE Biz automation E-book