How to set up a Data Science Project

Zaheeda Chauke
The Startup
Published in
6 min readJun 30, 2020

More often than not, those of us who are new to the Data Science field wish to transform newly acquired Data Science skills into something tangible. This is often done by means of embarking on a project.

Whether you’re a beginner, a graduate, looking to build a Portfolio for your CV or to prepare for projects in your future workplace — this is the post for you!

“Where do I start? How do I structure my project? What do I do with project results once I’m done?” Just some questions I know I used to have in the early stages of my Data Science journey/career.

I want to provide a protocol: basic steps to beginning every Data Science or Machine Learning project you have and documenting results.

The topics I’ll cover are:

  1. Creating a Git Repository
  2. Building a Project folder structure
  3. Creating a Virtual Environment
  4. Notebooks
  5. Module/Script Writing

Create a Git Repository

Git is a version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development.

Git basically lets you host your project online which allows your work to be shareable. On it, you can update and track any changes you make to your project. The Git Repository is what collects these files of different versions of a Project.

I see it more as a platform to manage and structure my work. It’s the one thing in my life I keep neat and tidy :”)


  1. Head on over to a site like GitHub or GitLab and create a free account.
  2. Create a Repository for your project. It is where you will push all the work and progress of a project that you work on.

Confused? I recommend a git short course with videos (here), or a tutorial with coding (git commands from the terminal) here or a tutorial with minimal coding here.

Building a Project folder structure

The code for a project, app or software component is typically organized in a folder structure or “file tree”.

Once you’ve created a Repository, you will need to decide how to structure your project. The typical “Tree” structure I use for most of my Machine Learning projects is as follows:

|-- my_project
| |-- data
| | |-- example_data.csv
| |-- notebooks
| | | -- example_notebook.ipynb
| |--modules/scripts (optional)
| | | --
| | | --
| |-- setup
| | |--
| | |-- requirements.txt
4 directories, 5 files

In plain English:

In the project (i.e. the Repository) you just created, create the folders: data, notebooks and setup. Put the necessary files into their respective folders.

The file is a file that is automatically created when you create your Git Repository, in it you outline a summary of your project i.e. the Problem Statement.

  • Note for the data folder: Rather provide external links where the data can be downloaded. It’s unsafe to keep (confidential) data on a Repo.

Create a Virtual Environment

The main purpose of virtual environments is to create an isolated environment for projects. This means that each project can have its own dependencies (installed packages), regardless of what dependencies every other project has.

In short, for each project you begin you will install and use different packages OR

you may use the same packages for projects — only difference being the version of the package. The version control depends on which Python Version your project requires. (Image on left).

An example of the prior: You may need Scikit-Learn in a simple Machine Learning project you begin and Tensorflow in a different Deep Learning project you begin. So for each project you create an environment with only the packages you need.

This procedure also prevents import errors you may encounter, because you will install all required packages beforehand using the “setup” folder we created in our Tree Structure.

Steps using the command-line:

In the setup folder , create the bash file, when you run this file in the terminal using the command: $ source , it automatically runs the code within it which installs all needed packages:

# a bash script to setup the environment for the project
# install pip3 and virtualenv
sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y
# create the virutual environment in the project root
pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv -p python3 project_name_env
# activate the virtual environment
source project_name_env/bin/activate
# install packages you will need
pip3 install -r setup/requirements.txt

Bonus: Create a Custom Kernel. It applies the Virtual Environment you just created and “activates” it in your notebook to make sure you use only the packages in the environment.

python3 -m ipykernel install — user — name project_name_env — display-name "Custom Kernel Name"



Ahhh Thee Notebook, what a marvelous creation it is :”D

You may currently be using Jupyter Notebooks on your PC (or on Google Colab) as a starting point for all the projects you embark on.

Clicking Shift + Enter is addictive (for me at least 😅 ), it’s just so simple. Notebooks give added motivation to just hit the ground running on a project you’ve been itching to smash!

The objective of this entire article, however, is to outline a way to avoid making a Notebook the only method you have to represent /“host” a project.

In practice, in the workplace for example, Notebooks are only required as a way to show examples of how the code you’ve written or the model you’ve built work when implemented.

Module/Script Writing

What to do with the code you were meant to put in a Notebook? After creating the project structure as outlined in this Article, you could wish to work backwards when writing script. You could create and work on a Notebook, take the lines of code that are related to one-another and make them functions (def function() vibes).

After compiling the functions, place them into python .py files. Those files are your modules. For more structure, you could put related .py files into separate folders with suitable names. You are able to use the modules/scripts by utilizing the import module expression. Then access the objects or member functions of the modules like this:module.function() or from module import function .

To test your scripts, you’d import them into your Notebook that shows examples of how your code/model works.

Confused? I found a short tutorial here.

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At the end of all these steps, you’ll have a well packaged project which you can refer back to when required or be able to share Git links to Recruiters as a Portfolio of your Resume.

If you commit (excuse the pun) to starting all your projects this way, it will become a part of your routine. Your Git coding and collaboration skills will get stronger and you’ll bag some new skills to put onto your CV.

Let’s make a pledge:

That from the day you read this Article you will put some thought behind structuring your ML projects. Pledge that you will fight the urge of relying overly on Notebooks.



Zaheeda Chauke
The Startup

Mom | Data Scientist | Machine Learning and Deep Learning Enthusiast | Extrovert