How To Silence Your Inner Critic

Lindsay Bowling, LPC
The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 3, 2019


Let’s be honest; we all have that nasty inner critic that pops into our heads and says things like, “you aren’t good enough,” and “nobody likes you.” At first, the thoughts might seem like no big deal, but the longer they go unchecked, the more power they gain. Over time, these negative thoughts can become so ingrained in us that we can actually start believing that they are correct. These thoughts can really mess with our confidence and cause us to give up on our ambitions.

Although it can be hard to change old thinking patterns, we must do it so that our inner critic won’t stop us from accomplishing our goals. In my therapy practice, I have found that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) strategies are especially helpful in silencing those negative thoughts. CBT is a type of treatment that focuses on identifying and changing maladaptive patterns of thoughts, behaviors, and coping strategies. Though there are several excellent CBT tools, challenging negative thoughts is one of the CBT strategies that I utilize most frequently to help people silence their inner critics.

How Can You Challenge Negative Thoughts?

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash
  1. Recognize that you have negative…



Lindsay Bowling, LPC
The Startup

Mental Health Counselor, Substance Abuse Counselor, Wellness Instructor, Digestive Illness Advocate & The Human Half of a Therapy Dog Team