How to Start a Freelance Writing Career from Scratch

The no-frills, no-experience guide

Tae Haahr
The Startup


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Freelance writing is a hot career, though admittedly that might just be in the circles I travel in. I regularly come across individuals interested in pursuing a freelance career but they have no idea where or how to start.

I tend to give people the same few pieces of advice, but with one-off questions that are ill-timed when I’m not on-the-ball enough to answer them, I almost always forget a few great pieces of advice that I’ve picked up along the way.

So to solve my problem of forgetfulness and help all the new and aspiring writers out there, I thought I would create a simple no-frills, no-experience guide on how to start a freelance writing career from scratch.

A few brief caveats

Before I get started on this exciting guide, I wanted to share a few caveats:

Your freelance journey is going to be different than anyone else’s. While we see this sentiment written around the internet, it’s easy to forget when we read stories of everyone else’s journey or read guides like this.

While I did start my freelance writing career from scratch, I’ve always been a writer. Prior to my current endeavours, I worked in the corporate marketing…



Tae Haahr
The Startup

Wildly unpopular, mildly inappropriate (or is it the other way around?). Podcast, blogger @, &