How To Stay Focused When You’re Unmotivated

This article includes rabbits.

Ken Marshall
The Startup



They are creatures that like to dig. Rabbits burrow underground to form tunnels and nests for protection and shelter.

Hence why it’s appropriate to compare a rabbits behavior with my own whenever I stumble on YouTube when i’m supposed to be working...

I just keep digging deeper and deeper.

“Going down a rabbit hole” is when you start out doing something, and then completely lose focus in another direction. You decide you’ll harmlessly watch one or two videos (yeah right), unwillingly get sucked into Youtube’s gravitational pull, and by the time you look up, you’re watching giraffes making a blueberry cobbler with Martha Stewart.

That very thing happened to me last week (the losing focus part, not the giraffe video part).

I was getting some quality work done, like a responsible business owner should, when I decided that the living room would allow me to supercharge my productivity.

Huge mistake. I blatantly lied to myself.

Turns out, the couch was not an ideal place to work. I ended up playing with the cat, watching 8 clips of episodes of Joe Rogan’s podcast, making myself a sandwich, checking my emails 158.7…



Ken Marshall
The Startup

Partner @ 3x exits. & Side hustle, SEO, and coffee junkie. Husband. Puppy dad. BJJ bro. Author of HCAS.