How to Step Up Your Email Newsletter: Layout and Design

It’s not just what you share, but how you share it that makes you and your work unforgettable

Gregory D. Welch
The Startup


Photo by Muukii on Unsplash

So, I’ve been thinking about emails lately. Specifically email newsletters and how to write them, how to design them, and how to format them.

What is it about the emails we actually open, the ones we genuinely enjoy, and read with real interest that have the effect they do?

Real talk, I feel a bit late to email newsletters. I’m only just now beginning to put one together for myself. I know, I know, I should have had one rolling from day one.

On the flip side, nothing puts me in a better position to share some lessons about email marketing than being right there with you trying to figure some of these things out too.

Some quick research on the topic led me to some solid advice, check this out:

Sandra Chung starts us off by asking some pretty important questions, “Does it make sense to have your product updates in the same newsletter as your top tweets of the week? Once you decide on your focus, stick to it so your readers know what to expect every time.”



Gregory D. Welch
The Startup

I Ghostwrite Educational Email Courses for Innovative Founders & Digital Marketers going from Analog to Augmented Content | AI Strategist & Ghostwriter