How to Stop Enjoying the Idea of Building Something Alongside Your 9–5 and Actually Do It

5 truths to accept if you want to start testing out your dreams

Eve Arnold
The Startup


Photo by rob walsh on Unsplash

For years I was stuck in my own head.

It was like I wanted to get out, to escape, to do all these things that I dreamt about but I didn’t know how. I wanted to start a business, build consistently and be self-sustaining but I just couldn’t get out my own head.

I’d worked a 9–5 since leaving uni and I was desperate to explore something alongside but I was just dreaming in my head. I never took action.

Every single time I would stop myself or self-sabotage.

2 years ago something clicked with writing, what was a passing though became a religion.

I’ve learned a few things since those dark days of being a dreamer.

1. Ego is the anchor

Ego holds you back — preserve this image of being full of potential, capable of anything, ready (and waiting) to take on the world.

You slowly, over the years, remain with this image but have slightly less time, energy and freedom.

You stay put because this have become your comfort blanket, your save space, your sanctuary…

