How To Develop A Non-Judgemental Attitude To Live More Peacefully

Prakhar Verma
The Startup
Published in
5 min readSep 27, 2018


Look at the above picture.

What do you see?

You could see “a sad girl”, “a girl in a deep thought” or you could come to any other conclusion.

As humans, we want to close the gap of information.

Religious people conclude that there is a god. Atheists believe there is no god.

In reality, they both don’t know anything.

You can’t know what is unknown. It’s all a matter of belief.

It’s okay to not know. The above picture shows a girl in a car. That’s all.

Whatever else you conclude out of it is your opinion or belief. You could be 100% correct. But there’s a slight edge when you learn to develop your observational mind.

When you observe before you judge, you open yourself to possibilities. You acknowledge that your opinion is not a fact. It’s how you choose to see the world.

When You Point A Finger At Someone, There Are Three More Pointing Back At You



Prakhar Verma
The Startup

Actualize your potential. Remember who you are. Be the best version of yourself: