How to Survive Information Overload as a Writer

20+ tips and tools to keep your head above water.

Catherine McNally
The Startup


A person’s head floats just above the water
Photo by Li Yang on Unsplash

It’s fun to discover new ideas, opinions, and methods . . . until it’s not.

If you tend to be over-anxious like me, it’s pretty easy to get caught up in information overload. And even if you aren’t an anxious type, it’s still easy to get bowled over by a wave of information.

You collect quotes, articles, podcasts, and videos here and there. You add them to your list of things to read later.

But soon your lists are overrun, your browser is stuffed with random bookmarks, and your inbox is flooded with emails. And you don’t read any of it. Well, that was a waste of time, right?

Well, maybe not. You can make things easier for yourself with just a bit of organization.

Sure, you may still wade too far into the ocean of info from time to time, but for the most part you can stay afloat. These tricks and tools for organizing your information intake will be your water wings in a sea of content.

1. Preplan your daily goals.



Catherine McNally
The Startup

Creator, writer, artist. 🎨 I write about sustainable productivity, rest, and clawing your way out of burnout.