How To Take Control Of Your Own Upskilling

Sarah Thomas
The Startup
Published in
6 min readMay 19, 2020


One of my biggest life lessons over the past five years is that problems do not go away, or even get smaller all on their own. While I’m not ready to further dramatise my problem person, ahem, I mean event, this is an excellent mantra to flip and apply to other, more positive things, like learning and upskilling.

If you’re a super wise, disciplined, focused, Yoda-guru kinda person, then you probably don’t need to create learning workbooks. But for me, I’m a distracted soul with more than one significant conquest to undertake.

We all learn differently; some people can visualise; some can learn directly from stories or tales; some people just know things and others will probably never learn at all. Me, I need some application, an activity to complete. I need a course workbook.

I think back to my most productive year ever; it was a while ago but still in memory. It was working full time, completing two of my final university modules part-time and writing my first play. It was a wonderful time, and the key was having no time to procrastinate because I had a syllabus of essays and tasks that I had to complete on time or fail. I had a programme of learning, except for the play which was such a new skill I was riding on pure glee. I didn’t have hours to waste in between essays wondering what I should do or write.



Sarah Thomas
The Startup

Storyteller, ex playwright (produced), award winning screenwriter, always writing. Creating story-based content for businesses. Based in Aberdeen.