How to Teach Yourself to Program and Get a Job

I did it and you can too

Adebayo Ijidakinro
The Startup


Photo by Max Duzij on Unsplash

So you want to learn how to program. Good for you. Progamming can be a very lucrative and fulfilling career. It’s a career I’m very happy I chose.

One of the beautiful things about programming is that it’s a profession that doesn’t require a degree. It doesn’t even require any formal training. It’s something that you can teach yourself while being locked down during COVID.

But how can you go from, I know nothing, to I’m a full blown programmer? There’s tons of books and online tutorials out there to chose from. Which ones are best for you?

By the time you read this article, your going to know what you need to do to become a programmer and start making money.

What language should you learn?

There are a lot of languages out there to choose from. Often people ask this question because they want to know which jobs are in the most demand, or which jobs pay the best. I don’t believe this should be the criteria that you use to decide.

Instead, you should ask yourself, ‘what do I want to do?’ Do I want to do…

  • iOS Development
  • Android Development
  • Cross-Platform Mobile Applications



Adebayo Ijidakinro
The Startup

I’m a 10+ year iOS Developer whose worked with 6 startups. This past year I released 6 iOS and web apps. Follow me and learn how to make your Startup a success.