How to think like a software developer

A productivity mindset you can apply to almost anything

Bruce Flow
The Startup


Photo by Max Nelson on Unsplash

Changing the game is a mindset.

— Robert Rodriguez

As a software developer, I constantly ask myself: what distinguishes an outstanding developer from a mediocre one? From my observation, it has very little to do with formal education, age, gender, and even industry experience. It has a lot to do with mindset.

Developing software is very much like cooking. All legendary chefs must first grasp the common fundamentals of food preparation and kitchen processes. Only with these fundamentals then can their unique personality traits shine through. Great developers are as creatively diverse as they come, yet they share an eerily common mindset, upon which they build their craft.

By no stretch of the imagination do I count me amongst the ranks of great software developers. I do, however, make it a point to continuously study the effective mindsets of outstanding software developers in order to emulate them.

Why should you care about how a software developer thinks? Aren’t they a bunch of nerds tip-tapping on keyboards? Well yes, but the software developer’s mindset can be applied to many areas of your life, for example, in your business…



Bruce Flow
The Startup

Polymath by calling. Software developer by profession. Student of the mind by nature.