How to Turn a Web Visitor into a Buyer

For online businesses with lots of clicks but few buys.

David O.
The Startup
Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2019


Photo by Taras Shypka on Unsplash

Here is the simple answer: start a relationship with the visitor. If you want to know more, read on.

Humbled by a kid’s result

Selling online is challenging if you don’t know the ropes. There are those who believe in following popular trends and famous marketers. But times change so fast and there is always a new fad. But that is not where the problem is.

Getting the reach you want is not so difficult if you have the money and proper targeting. Converting those visitors into actual buyers is the real hassle. Many businesses suffer in this area, but they like to cover it up. Here is an example of what I mean.

I did a search about open rates of emails from businesses. For most industries, the average is less than 20%. Most businesses would consider themselves doing fine at a 25% open rate. But to me, I see that as poor. And there is a reason.

I was listening to an interview of Bond Halbert, who is an exceptional email copywriter (but still famous as the son of the legendary copywriter — Gary Halbert). He said he taught his kid some of the copy principles and she averages 61% open rate. That shifted my thinking. Which leads me to my first point:



David O.
The Startup

I investigate things and write about them. Mostly around wealth, money, rich people, career, and business success. Not financial advice